
Saturday, 25 January 2014

House full of plastic!

One thing about Christmas with two small children - once all the excitement as worn off, you just end up with a house full of plastic! I wouldn't mind if the children played with it all, I have nothing against children playing and making a mess (although it would be nice if they helped tidy up afterwards, alas, not to be!)

My little girl especially (who had her second birthday on New Year's Eve - yes, more plastic!) just likes to pull everything out then walks over it and goes off to find something else to trash. Her nickname in nursery is 'trasher monster' which sort of gives you an insight into what she likes to do!

I have found some time to make some cards though, it helps me unwind once the kids have gone toned. Please see below, and I hope you like them.


Saturday, 18 January 2014

Getting sick of this Christmas malarky now!

Well I've made three more Christmas cards using up ancient free gifts from magazines, but my next blog post will be something different - promise!



Saturday, 11 January 2014

Clearing more Christmas stash

I am determined to at least try and make enough Christmas cards this year so I won't have to buy any. I am sorry if these posts seem somewhat repetitive but I have to blog what I make so that I have photos of what I have made to refer back to at a later date.




Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Surprise Christmas Wedding

Friends of ours are moving to Italy. Gary is in the RAF and has been posted there for three years. The only way his long term partner and their little girl could go with him is if they got married and so hey presto! Just after Christmas we found out they had a very small wedding just before Christmas and I couldn't miss the occasion to make a card. The bride Nicky had a blue dress and so after I had seen the photos they posted on Facebook so I sussed out the colour scheme, I came up with the card below. I hope you like it!


Sunday, 5 January 2014

Early start for 2014 Christmas

You would think I would be sick of Christmas by now? I am not! Truth be told, I am actually just trying hard to use up the mountain of stash that I have, before I buy any more.