Happy New Year to all my readers! I hope that 2013 brings us all lots of love, luck and lovely crafty goodies!
I haven't had time to make any cards over the festive season, with family coming to stay, going to stay with family in Lincolnshire and two children under five, but I hope to get back to it very soon - see New Year's Resolution below!
What are your New Year's Resolutions? Mine are:-
1. To do something 'crafty' every day, and I mean in a paper crafting way, not any other way! I am keeping that small, due to time constraints but so far this year (!) I have managed to cut some toppers for next year's Christmas cards from cards received this year, and also come up with a spreadsheet detailing the crafty items I need to buy. I am hoping that by doing this, I will buy things I actually need, rather than buying things I already have or buying things I like at the time but then just putting them away for use 'in the future'!
2. My other New Year's Resolution is to spend more quality time with my son and also to stop checking and replying to work e-mails while not in work! So far, so good, but its only 2nd January!
3. To eat all my Christmas chocolate as soon as I can so that I can go on a diet!
Let me know what your Resolutions are - perhaps we can encourage each other not to break them quite so early in the year!
Hope to post a photo of my next crafty creation soon.
Deb x